Stages of the Executive Search Process for Contingent Search
  • The contingency search process enables our clients to hire the best talent without paying any upfront fee.
  • Completely risk-free hiring process without any upfront costs.
  • Clients only need to pay us when the selected candidate has successfully joined the organization. We do cover the guarantee period for the hired candidates.
  • Global network of excellent best-in-class professionals.
  • Thorough and detailed interview/selection process to locate ideal candidates.
Talenton Global Advantage
Major Benefits of Our Services
Clients receive updates on the status of your search throughout the process at regular intervals.

1. Defining Research Strategy

Our search team defines the best strategy to execute the search for the ideal candidate, targeting companies and industries most probable to produce successful candidates. The team prepare an initial long list of target companies and candidates. The approach contemplates the level and scope of analogous roles and will include other key reference points: location/region of the candidate, client’s and target company’s corporate culture, and ranking/market positioning of the competitors etc. Off-limit companies are also delineated — These are the companies; we will not approach candidates due to sensitive client relationships with these companies and/or because the company has client blockage.

3. Executing the Search Plan

From here, further research will be thoroughly executed to locate potential top candidates and the best approach developed to target from where the ideal candidates will be sourced and attracted. Many research tools are included as part of the search strategy as our own database (an exclusive database of senior executives for our team only, free access for TALENTON GLOBAL members), formerly executed market investigation, other internet/online sources such as LinkedIn and other social networking portals, and naturally our own referral channels and contacts. At this point we exploit all the sourcing channels to identify the best candidates.

5. Search Methodology and Assess Candidates

We make contact with potential candidates to examine their interest in the opportunity, drafting on our understandings about candidate interests and career aspirations to motivate potential candidates to consider new opportunities. The recruiters execute rigorous behavioural and competency-based interviews with aspirants based on the proven past experiences, skills, knowledge, capabilities, and aptitudes delineated in the position description. From here, we start to narrow down and prepare a short list of candidates with the relevant experiences, qualifications, and interest in the position.

7. Referencing, presenting short list to the client

Before any candidate is presented to the client, we also complete a basic referencing to validate their qualifications and background. If there are no concerns (changes would be made to the list if there are issues) the short-listed candidates will be presented to the client. We present the most qualified candidates thoroughly evaluated, based on a detailed analysis and assessment with respect to the job specification.


Sketching on an informal external observation on each candidate to improve our knowledge of the candidate’s record of accomplishment, provide expressive insights into past performance KPI indicators and character. Perform a thorough executive competencies assessment leveraging executive Intelligence methodology in senior and high-stakes finalist selection circumstances.

9. Interviews with the client

After the recruiter presents the client with a short list of the top candidates, we will make the arrangements for face-to-face interviews between the candidates and clients/hiring manager or the decision makers. During this stage, the client and the recruiter will discuss every candidate’s detailed resume, past experiences, qualifications, skills, interpersonal strengths and motivations before and after each interview. We offer an opportunity for each candidate to work with the search consultant to help them prepare for these interviews beforehand, sharing the client’s industry, publically available company information, departmental
overview etc.

11. On-boarding and Induction

As the final step in the process, our team will provide assistance with the induction (on-boarding) of the selected candidate into the client’s workplace. The level of engagement may vary subject to the on-boarding procedures of the client and arrangements made at the beginning of the search process. We may also provide our assistance for the relocation (if required), documentation, educating on the travel and immigration/VISA processes etc.

2. Steering Originally Defined Research Plan

Using the originally well-defined strategy as a base blueprint, the search team executes the research to identify and profile ideal candidates as a vision, mapping the departmental teams reporting hierarchy relationships and often structure out organization charts of target teams. Traditional search companies typically perform most of the research work online. We will also dig deeper into our own candidate database, exclusive information services, and social media/online-professional networks such as LinkedIn etc. to produce prospective candidates.

4. Talent Mapping and Sourcing

At this stage of the executive search process, our team will utilize talent mapping and sourcing strategies to create a long list of high-potential executives which sometimes can go over 100+ potential candidates. Our consultants and recruiters will commence to qualify the potential candidates to short list whether they are suitable contenders for the proposed opportunity.

6. Qualify & Detailed Interviews to further narrow down the list

During the candidate identification process, we will continue to meet with the potential candidates (via opening calls with the researcher, more thorough follow up calls with the recruiter and evaluations), clients and internally to narrow down the list of potential candidates (down to 10 best matched potential candidates at most). We utilize proprietary techniques of candidate screening and qualification at this stage.

8. Additional reference checks

In an advanced selection stage, we will narrow the potential candidates list to just three to five. We will conduct even more detailed reference checks and provide concluding thoughts about each candidate.

10. Offer and negotiation

After the successive detailed face to face or video/phone interviews, discussion and in the light of external references, the client would handpick their ideal candidate and the course of salary and offer negotiation will begin. The search consultant usually acts as a facilitator in this stage to ensure both the client’s and candidate’s desires are met.

12. Complete the search assignment

The recruiter will conduct a thorough background/criminal check and with reference to further assess competencies, strengths/weaknesses and will provide external views of the selected candidate. The recruiter will also communicate frequently with client and successful candidate during transition.


In the end the recruiter conducts client satisfaction study to improve quality and level of service engagement and refine approach for future executive search assignments. At regular intervals, follow up with clients and candidates after the search is completed, checking in on the new employee’s fit with the team/organization and the smoothness of the transition into a new role and culture on the company.

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